Manufacturers of the USMC Lightweight Water Purification System (LWPS)
TerraGroup manufactures patented TECWARŽ (Tactical Environmental Components Water Asset Recovery) water systems for use with US Militarys field water purification systems and programs. These water purification systems are utilized by US Armed Forces in training, peacetime deployments and war to provide water in the field for drinking, cooking, shower, laundry, medical and tactical vehicle wash-down, in addition to treating wastewater generated by water production and decontamination procedures.
These systems are also used in operations other than war (OOTW) which include humanitarian and disaster relief efforts.
TerraGroup designs its systems to be highly mobile, All Source Capable water purification systems that can produce potable water from fresh, brackish and seawater or water contaminated with NBC (nuclear-chemical-biological) agents.
Keywords: water filtration,water filtration systems,water purification,water purification systems,water purification equipment,drinking water, emergency water purification systems, decontamination systems, portable water purification systems,purified drinking water,purified water,water filters,